There are a lot of fun activities happing in our area this weekend.
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
list of Halloween events in Fosston and neighboring towns
Pop Up Spirit Shop tomorrow! Sales will be 8-8:30 @ Magelssen Elementary + during Jr. High & Sr. High lunch @ FHS. We are #FosstonStrong!
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
Spirit Flyer
Representatives from TEAM Industries in Bagley visited 5th and 6th grade students at Magelssen Elementary School on October 19th. Chris Hamm, an engineer at TEAM, gave background information on the company and discussed the processes and mindset that he follows in designing parts that are used in the manufacturing of ATVs. Our students came away with some cool items too. It was a great visit! Thank you TEAM Industries. #FosstonStrong #STEM #GrowthMindset
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
5th grade
6th grade
Elementary playground is nearing completion! A huge thank you goes out to all the volunteers that helped with the project! The playground will be ready for students on Monday, October 24th. We Are #Fosston Strong
over 2 years ago, Dan Boushee
Our Early Childhood families enjoyed a trip to the pumpkin patch last Thursday before it started to snow. Families enjoyed a story, fall scavenger hunt and riding on the bus. Every child went home with a child sized pumpkin and bag of trail mix provided by Head Start.
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
families on a nature walk
children picking pumpkins
children on a nature walk
The Magelssen Student Leaders spent the day at the Park Rapids Character Challenge Course learning about integrity, leadership, team work and empowering others through encouragement. Thank you to the Fosston Education Foundation for funding this amazing opportunity! We are #FosstonStrong
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
team work
zip line
ACTIVITES-Thursday-October 13th #WeAreFosston #FosstonStrong
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
Volleyball games
Volleyball Games
Kindergarten and first grade students have enjoyed learning about predictions, estimating, and measuring using pumpkins in their STEM classes this week. They’ve done an amazing job! #FosstonStrong
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
tape measure
Fosston’s Early Childhood is going to the pumpkin patch! Families are invited to join us on October 13 from 5:30-6:30 for a fun evening at the pumpkin patch. We will be taking a bus from the elementary school which will begin loading at 5:15pm. Please RSVP by calling Linette at 218-435-6335 or email
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
pumpkin patch flyer
The 4th Grade had a wonderful time on their field trip. We went to the Fertile Fair Grounds for the Water Festival and learned about ground water and the water cycle doing many educational activities.
over 2 years ago, Traci Olson
Fosston School District #601 is accepting applications for a full-time Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor.
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
Today our 11th grade students had the opportunity to meet with 60 representatives from public and private colleges and universities, community and technical colleges, and trade and career schools from all around the country at Bemidji State Universities annual college fair.
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
2022 College Fair
Dress like your teacher day started out a little “bumpy” 🍼in Mrs. Halbur’s classroom!
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
3 teacher look alikes
Thank you, Supt. Selk, for having lunch and meeting with some of the Magelssen Elementary students today! We are #FosstonStrong!
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
Supt. Selk meets with Student Leaders
It’s Bus Safety time at Magelssen Elementary! Big thank you to the Fosston Police Department and Gene Hegge for their instruction.
over 2 years ago, Dan Boushee
Bus Safety
*Backpack Alert!* Magelssen Elementary will have Homecoming Spirit Items available for pre-order. All pre-ordered, pre-paid items will be delivered next week to your child. Check your child’s backpack for the form!
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
Hoco Spirit Week Pre-Order Form
We’re celebrating Homecoming Week at Magelssen Elementary with fun dress up days! Check it out! #FosstonStrong
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
Hoco 2022
Let’s buy participating Box Top products and get those receipts scanned - it’s Double Box Tops Week!
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
Double Box Tops Week
Thank you to Ms. Connie Bowman for sharing with our Magelssen Elementary 3rd graders what it was like to attend a one-room school house from 1st-8th grade
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
Ms. Connie Bowman
Ms. Murphy's Class
Showing the students how they moved the desks to sweep every day.
Mrs. Norland's Class
Message from our Nurse
over 2 years ago, Fosston Public Schools
When You are Ill