We are a Box Tops school! Download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts when you purchase any of the hundreds of eligible items. Any questions, email Angie at adeusterman@isd601.org.
Fosston School District is open to register new students for the 2023-2024 school year. If your son/daughter is in grade K-6, enroll them at Magelssen Elementary, 701 1st St East. If your child is in grades 7-12, enroll them at the Fosston High School, Principal’s Office, 301 1st St East. For the High School call 218-435-1909 and for the Elementary call 218-435-6036. The School offices will be open between the hours of 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00, Monday through Friday.
Fosston High School Picture Day will be Thursday, September 7th, 2023
Fosston High School 7th Grade Orientation Information for the 2023-2024 school year.
If you have a child who is 3-5 years old and/or planning to attend preschool/Kindergarten this year and has not been screened, please contact us to schedule an appointment.
2023-2024 Magelssen Elementary School Supply List
2023-2024 7th & 8th Grade School Supply List
District Office Summer Hours.
Pennington County Dental Clinic
Thank you to the Seniors who had lunch with the elementary students recently! We're not sure who enjoyed it more, the Seniors or elementary students. Great time!
Thursday, May 18th (7:00pm)--music concert @ the Fosston Arts Center (free and open to the public).
ANNOUNCEMENTS 4/29/23 #WeAreFosston #FosstonStrong
Thanks to VITAL for sending the kindergarteners to the Headwaters Science Center and to visit Paul and Babe! What a great day to explore and learn!
The Science Museum of Minnesota sent STEM kits free of charge for the 6th graders. Our students recently completed two projects using the kits. They built an extendable arm and a rubber band car during their STEM classes. #FosstonStrong #STEMrocks
If you are interested in sending your child to preschool next school year, you won't want to miss this event on May 22 from 4:30-6pm. Come to register your preschool child for school or just gather more information. Children need to be 3 or 4 by September 1, 2023 to attend one of the preschool programs.
Congratulations to the Magelssen Elementary "Students of The Month" for April!
Fosston Prom is Saturday, May 6th
~Grand March begins at 7:00pm
~North & South Foyer doors will open at 6:30pm
~There will be a $2.00 per person entrance fee
~All money goes to Fosston After Prom
Fosston Early Childhood Family Education is seeking input about the families and communities that we serve. We strive to offer the most appropriate services possible for our families based on the communities' strengths and needs. We are asking for your help by providing us with your anonymous opinions and comments. Please use the link to take a few minutes to complete our survey. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeo-6ZIZHdpobo-0qYoFjBFZqf4UTHe5zNVhow64w0HGB0kCQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
The Pennies for Pencils drive has been extended! Magelssen students can bring in change until Tuesday, May 2nd to help this great cause! We are #FosstonStrong #WeAreFosston
ECFE and Head Start partnered together to host a pool party for our early childhood families on Thursday evening at the Fosston Civic Center. Everybody had a great time and the kiddos slept well that night.